Thursday, 29 March 2012

Make The Most of Croatia’s Anchorages

183 Piccolo Smokvica Vela

A few weeks ago, Wolfgang contacted us after enjoying reading the Croatia Cruising Companion and thought we and our readers might be interested in another great tool to help make the most of Croatia’s anchorages. We were and here’s what he told us!

“The Croatian Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MPPI) provides a Concession List that lists the official licensed Nautical Anchorages in Croatia. Since this list is not very handy to use aboard, I created a little piece of software that adds the information and coordinates of the Concession List to a Google-Map. I also write a Blog about news regarding this Map.

You can find the Google-Map here:

You can find the Blog here  "


And we’ve just checked Wolfgang’s blog again and it seems he’s now developed an App!

Thank you Wolfgang and we’ll try and keep up with you!

Today’s photo was taken at Smokvica Vela

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