We stumbled across a great blog today, notable to us for two things: firstly it's put the Croatia Cruising Companion to the test and secondly the guest dog looks remarkably like our canine cruising companion, Rosie. Many thanks to the Sparkes family for such an entertaining read and I hope they don't mind us borrowing this photo.
This is one family who really seems to know how to get the best out of sailing Croatia and the blog provides a great first hand account of what to expect from a number of places. It's gratifying to see that, on the whole, the Croatia Cruising Companion seems to have stood up very well to the demanding requirements placed on it. We did read that, in one destination, one of the restaurants we suggested was good, turned out to be a bit of a disappointment so we'll be following up on that. However it does raise the salient point that things can change very quickly in Dalmatia and every restaurant has its good days and bad days. The most notable example of this is the newish Chinese restaurant near Trogir which we reported on in our sister blog
www.croatiaonline.blogspot.com. We had a great meal on the one time we ate there but everyone else we have spoken to since reports various problems so we guess we were just lucky. In general though we refrained from comment, one way or another, on any restaurant we did not try out personally and did our best to feature the better restaurants that we found, though, a mention in any guide can occasionally be the kiss of death to some restaurants!